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I believe you cant find/buy a thunderstone in crystal

i think the only way to get a stone is to some person, and give him/her your phone number

later in the game he/she will call you about a stone

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Q: Where do you find thunderstone in crystal?
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Where to find thunderstone?

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In Pokemon crystal to evolve Eevee into jolten does Eevee need to hold the Thunderstone or can it just be in your inventory?

In your bag, just select the Thunderstone and pick the "use" option, then choose Eevee (who must be in your party) to evolve it.

Where do you find a thunderstone in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you can find one at the power plant

Where to find a thunderstone in pearl?

one place is in the underground

How do you get a thunderstone in explorers of sky?

You have to buy it in a shop

Where to find a thunderstone in Pokemon Black?

Talk to the worker guy on the top floor of the Route 9 Shopping Mall. He will give you a Thunderstone.

Where can you get a thunderstone besides underground?

I think you can find one in sunyshore.

Where can you find a thunderstone in pokemon platinium?

you can find it by the lighthouse in sunyshore city by the snorlax rock

Where do you find a thunderstone in Pokemon Blue Rescue Team?

It is impossible to find a thunderstone in Pokemon blue rescue team. There is not one. I've searched everywhere. If I had not known that there was not one, I'd check Thunderwave Cave.

In Pokemon Silver where can you find a thunderstone?

Yes you can. From a walkthrough, a person claimed that he received a Thunderstone from someone from Olivia City. It's a "she" that you have to battle and get her contact. Pretty easy though =]

How can I find a thunderstone in Pokemon black?

In Pokemon Black and White you can find a Thunderstone in these locations: Route 9 and Chargestone Cave. Sometimes, a dust cloud will appear and you could get evolution stones or Gems. These are the locations where you can possibly find a Thunderstone in: Wellspring Cave, Chargestone Cave, Mistralton Cave, Twist Mountain, Challenger's Cave, Victory Road, and Giant Chasm.

Where do you get a thunderstone on Pokemon Gold?

bye it at a poke mart or find it in a poke ball