u can find the six sages on route 18, dreamyard, relic castle, cold storage, chargestone cave, and route 14 hopes this helps bye
After you beated the Elite 4. Go back to all the place where you have battled team Plasma and the sages will be their each. For ex: the cold storage in the lowest level. There is only 6 but actually there is two that appear in near the white forest, the waterfall and there is one in route 18 by using surf and the furthest and lowest area of the island
Note: You must defeat the Elite 4 in order to start looking for the sages. After which, you will automatically find the first sage. The remaining six are in the following locations. #1 Zinzolin: Cold Storage #2 Ryoku: Relic Castle #3 Rood Route 18 Note: You must have a Pokemon with waterfall in order to complete this mission. If you don't have one, see the third sage.Right near him a pokeball looking item that's the HM. #4 Giallo Route 14 #5 Gorm Dreamyard #6 Bronius ChargeStone Cave.
You could play with your other friends in High Link or Dream World. Have you caught Kyruem(sorry if its spelled wrong) yet? He's found in a place called Giant Hole/Great hall he's part of the Tao Trio Legend you learn about. Catch/Raise Pokemon,or you can go to the Battle Subway or that Battle Testing Facility or you can just start a whole new adventure!
Cherubi is found by slathering a brown tree with honey. Wait about six hours, and a Pokemon will probably be there, and it might be Cherubi.
Onix can be found on seven island, six island and rock tunnel.
Gone forever =(
You don't.
catch "em all
You cannot find Ghestis. He disappeared after you battled him and N at the Pokemon League.
go to www.pokemon Black & White-New pokemon.com to find out.
Raise Pokémon and work on your Pokédex. The games finished really.
First, there's seven sages. Their names are Ghetsis, Gorm, Bronius, Rood, Zinzolin, Giallo, and Ryoku.
In Pokemon Black/White Versions there is only Six Plazma Sages To Discover
Raise Pokémon and work on your Pokédex. The games finished really.
after you catch the six savage pokemon you have to find all seven sages
im pretty sure you cant find him after you beat him at n's castle