After you get an event on wi-fi or special event he will be in a pokemart
get the mystery gift or get a action replay
In Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum, a man in a green suit can be found in the Pokemarts. He is not in any specific city. He is just in every Pokemart.
The man in the green suit comes only when you activate a Pokemon mystery event (for example if you own Pokemon battle revolution for the wii you can buy things and send them via mystery event to your ds. The green man will then give you whatever you bought.)
the trainer that has bagon in platinum is at the cave where u find heatran the old man near the entrance to heatran has it
You can get a black belt from a man in a residence on route 221
get the mystery gift or get a action replay
Nintendo random event.
In Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum, a man in a green suit can be found in the Pokemarts. He is not in any specific city. He is just in every Pokemart.
no man you can find it in ur maw or ur dad's bum
you can't catch it in the wild you have to transfer it from Pokemon ranger or if your lucky enough (like shinies) you might find a green man inside the pokemart of sunyshore or buy a action replay regular edition
I believe that you go to the kitchen in the Old Chetau.
The man in the green suit comes only when you activate a Pokemon mystery event (for example if you own Pokemon battle revolution for the wii you can buy things and send them via mystery event to your ds. The green man will then give you whatever you bought.)
the trainer that has bagon in platinum is at the cave where u find heatran the old man near the entrance to heatran has it
You can get a black belt from a man in a residence on route 221
The green man is from action replay.With codes,like arceus code,in Pokemon center it have some cool items.(note:you mast press L+R diring go inside the Pokemon center.)
go into a pokemart hold l + r and a green man will give it to you
above solaceon town, there is a man in green whohas a elekid and a happiny,or u can breed chansey