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get the mystery gift or get a action replay

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Q: How do you get the man dressed in green on Pokemon platinum?
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In Pokemon pearl where do you use the mystery gift?

at the pokemart with the man dressed in green

What is a green man on Pokemon platinum?

The green man is from action replay.With codes,like arceus code,in Pokemon center it have some cool items.(note:you mast press L+R diring go inside the Pokemon center.)

Where do you use the secret key in Pokemon platinum that you get from the green man in the shop?

I believe that you go to the kitchen in the Old Chetau.

In witch city is there a green man in the pokemart?

In Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum, a man in a green suit can be found in the Pokemarts. He is not in any specific city. He is just in every Pokemart.

Who has feebas on Pokemon platinum?

fisher man

What trainers have happiny and what route are they on in Pokemon platinum?

above solaceon town, there is a man in green whohas a elekid and a happiny,or u can breed chansey

Where is the green hair man in Pokemon Platinum?

You first meet him in eternal forest, where you guide home through safely. He heals your pokemon after wvey battle you participate in, and his only pokemon is his chansey. Hope this helped ;)

Where is the nickname man in Pokemon platinum?

in eterna city

How do you get the Pokemon that comes out of a fossil on Pokemon Platinum?

At the museum in Oreburgh City there is a man that will get the pokemon out of the fossil.

Is there a shay man in Pokemon platinum you can catch?

The shay man is on Route 225.

Where do you get Feebas in Pokemon platinum?

a fisher man on route 222 has it

Where can you get honey in Pokemon Platinum?

Go To Floroma Town You Should See A Entrance On The Corner Of The Town You See A Man, And That's Where You Get Honey In Pokemon Platinum.