Go into the hotel entrance (the one that says "Hotel Grand Lake Another World on Lake Water" on the sign in front of it) on route 213. Exit out the notrth door. Take a pace left, then two (if not, try a third step) steps north. Press the A button and you will have found the key.
press a
you go backto the nearest town and go in all of the houses and you will find buck in one of them. talk to her and she will leave. go back to stark mountain in the same room and you will find the legendary pokemon heatran.
You trade Pokemon from Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver to Pokemon Diamond by going to the wifi room in the Pokemon center on the top floor. You also need to have a copy of Pokemon Diamond and have to have a friend or someone who has a copy of Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver. You will see someone there if you are going to trade with someone. Talk to the person you are going to trade with and ask them if they want to trade. The top floor is the Union Room no Friend Code needed the basement is the Wi-fi room, which requires a Friend codes
Yes. In Mount Coronet there is a foggy room with a lake.
To find rotom in Pokemon diamond you go 2 the old chateua in Eterna Forest and go 2 the middle room upstairs and then go to the room with the TV Rotom's in the TV. Hope I Helped.
skorupi,wooper,quagsire,carnivine etc.. u can check where to find which Pokemon on the upper room by checking the telescope.
You need to follow your item finder poketch app around the area of the room. If you follow it, it's there. (I would tell you, but I forgot! :(
It is outside the reception room. Warning if you are standing on the dot on your drowsing machine you wont find it.
the union room
in the doom room controlled by team rocket
upstairs in the Pokemon center first door
you do not find one in Pokemon diamond/pearl. you have to transfer it from Pokemon ranger, or use the action replay.
Go to the Union Room.
On iron island at the last room.
press a