On Spookane,go to Morcubus(Marcus)'s castle and fish in the fishing spot on the right side.The Seance scroll is in a chest to the left.(bonus info)
I assume you are on the 'Grandma Ruthie' haunted house task and scroll. That is where I got stuck actually. You must complete both scrolls to do so (the Grandma Ruthie's haunted house' scroll and the other one that she gives you.) Then go to Grandma Ruthie and she will have a task for you. Then you may continue on.
Never Mind I Know Now LOL
you talk to the man in a house near the observatory with you clue scroll in your inventory
go to the places site and click "configure this place" then scroll down to reset place
It's not really the house that makes your sims happy, it is how much work you put into it=) if you decorate the home nice your sims will be much happier=) kasper94
I assume you are on the 'Grandma Ruthie' haunted house task and scroll. That is where I got stuck actually. You must complete both scrolls to do so (the Grandma Ruthie's haunted house' scroll and the other one that she gives you.) Then go to Grandma Ruthie and she will have a task for you. Then you may continue on.
click on my place it will say build a house. click on it. scroll down pick your window style scroll down again pick you house colour scroll down again until your at the bottom
The Animal Kingdom
The kingdom that dragonflies belong to is Animalia
The house of Bourbon ruled the French kingdom Navarre
Happi House was created in 1976.
You go to the front your house then scroll down till you see a button that says enter,click on it then you will be inside your house.
It was the Kingdom of Sardinia.
Housecats belong to the animal kingdom, Animalia.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
First you sign in Then you scroll down Then press my place (or place) Then it will say you don't have a home Finally you scroll down and it will say create home!
The house cat belongs to the Animalia kingdom. The genus it belongs to is Felis, and the species is catus.