It's not really the house that makes your sims happy, it is how much work you put into it=) if you decorate the home nice your sims will be much happier=) kasper94
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
you can't.
no you can only get pets on sims 2 pets.
yes the hek u can
can you upgrade your house on sims 2 pets on ps2 i dont think soo
Yes, Sims 3 Pets does have direct control of the pet(s). Happy simming!
it will come out in autumn 2011. Happy to help. :)
Well, when you play the sims 2 pets, you are basically playing the sims 2, but with an added extra: you get pets! and the name makes it a bit obvious, ' the sims 2' no word like 'pets' changing the theme completely! sorry, but it's quite awkward to explain! :P
By getting a litter box and placing it somewhere in the house where the pets other stuff is.
You have to have Pets or Pet Stories. :) Happy Simming!
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
Yes, the pets can have babies. Your sim's pet needs to have a high relationship with the other animal before they can start mating. You need to get them a big pet house. When they feel they're ready, they will try for a baby in there. Happy simming!
You can't get a dog house with a door on that game.
Sims pets edition you can do all that.