Chargestone Cave. It is a considerably hard pokemon to find so don't lose patience if you don't find it right away!
You have to evolve tynamo to get an elektrik. Tynamo is found in the chargestone cave. It is extremely rare so good luck.
You can't find gible in pokemon white. You must trade it.
Zigzagoon is not found during normal gameplay in Pokemon White Version.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
You'll need a Tynamo and evolve it at level 39. Otherwise, you cannot find it in the wild.
You cant just level tynamo to 39
chargestone cave if your talking bout pokemon black
You can't find Eelektrik. You have to evolve a tynamo, which can be found in Chargestone Cave (it only has a 2-8% appearance rate)
You cannot find Vullaby in Pokemon White Version. It is exclusive to Pokemon Black as Rufflet is to Pokemon White.
You have to evolve tynamo to get an elektrik. Tynamo is found in the chargestone cave. It is extremely rare so good luck.
You can't find gible in pokemon white. You must trade it.
in white forest
it's an event pokemon
You cannot find it in white 2
you find it at the mall
Zigzagoon is not found during normal gameplay in Pokemon White Version.