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I'm sorry to say, Larvitar isn't in Pearl.

You'll have to use the PokeRadar on Route 207 in Diamond and then trade him over to Pearl.

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Q: Where do you find the Pokemon larvitar in Pokemon Pearl?
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Where can you find a larvitar in Pokemon pearl but not in pal park?

you can't find larvitar in pearl. You can only find it in diamond.

Where do you capturre larvitar in Pokemon Pearl?

Larvitar is... sadly... not in Pearl, even says so.

Can you get the first evolvtion of tyranatar in Pokemon Pearl?

Larvitar is unobtainable in Pokemon Pearl.

How do you get larvitar on Pokemon pearl?

They are in Mt. Silver

How do you get Tyranitar in Pokemon pearl or diamond version?

Tyranitar evolves from Pupitar, which evolves from Larvitar. You can get a wild Larvitar in Diamond at Route 207. It's impossible to catch a wild Larvitar in Pearl.

How can you get Larvitar in your pokedex?

You can get a Larvitar on Pokemon Diamond by using the Pokeradar on Route 207. If you're using Pokemon Pearl, you'll need to trade with Diamond.

How do you get larvitar Pokemon pearl version?

use poke radar at certain routes

Can you find larvitar in Pokemon Blue?

No. Larvitar is only available in Pokemon Diamond.

How do you get Larvitar in Pokemon Pearl?

Larvitar does not naturally appear in the wild in Pokemon Pearl. In order to get one, you will have to trade for have to trade with either a gba game or diamond and 2 catch 1 on diamond u have 2 have a national pokedex

Where i can find larvitar in pokemon flora sky?

The easiest way to find larvitar is to look on route J. It may take a while but you will find it

Whats the code to get larvitar or pupitar?

I don't know about Action Replay or Cheats, but you can get a Larvitar in the grass on route 207 in Pokemon diamond, but not in Pokemon pearl. It is very rare and will take a long time to find, and you need a pokeradar to find it.

What Pokemon to larvitar?

I am guessing this means "Where is the Pokemon Larvitar?". You can find it in the tall grass on Route 207 using Pokemon radar. If you mean "What does Larvitar evolve into?", then it first evolves into Pupitar, then Tyranitar.