fishing near route 40/41 at night with a good rod or better A Also, you can fish in Olivine city (near the lighthouse)
In the water while fishing In the water while fishing
You can fish a staryu in lilycove city.
Super Rod in "Canalave City"
In Pokemon Crystal.
What the hell is a Pokemon crystal
In the water while fishing In the water while fishing
You can fish a staryu in lilycove city.
you can't find it... but at heartgold and soul silver you can find staryu at route 19 and 34 and also cherrygrove town, Cianwood city, and Olivine City.
Growlithe, Staryu, Oddish, Pichu
eevee into vaporeon poliwhirl into poliwrath staryu into starmie shelder into cloyster
It's one of the starter pokemon.
You have to fish for a staryu in canalave citythen use a water stone to evolve it in to starmie
by playing the game..
Super Rod in "Canalave City"
Staryu is a water type Pokemon. In Pokemon FireRed, it is possible to find lots of Staryus in the Seafoam Islands.
Fish with good rod in lilycove city.
In Pokemon Crystal.