No one in game play will trade a Minccino, but on GTS you might be able to get some luck.
You can trade a Minccino in Driftveil City for a red-striped Basculin. (blue-striped Basculin in Pokemon White) It is in the house with the elderly man and a youngster. The youngster is offering the Basculin.
There is no code you trade with someone who has Pokemon white
No, it is a version exclusive to Pokemon White. You'll have to trade it from someone who has that version.
you can trade pokemon from heartgold to black but you can only transfer the pokemon in heartgold not trade it from black
Here are all the available in-game trades in Pokemon Black and White:The first in-game trade is in Nacrene City, where a girl will trade you a Petilil for Cottonee in Black and Cottonee for Petilil for Cottonee in White.The second in-game trade is located in Driftveil City where you can trade a Minccino for a Basculin. In Black you'll receive a red-striped Basculin and a blue-striped Basculin in White.On Route 7, you can trade a hiker a Boldore for his Emolga in both versions.On Route 15, you can trade with a scientist in a trailer for her Rotom. Her asking Pokemon is Ditto.In the summer season, you can go to Undella Town where there is a trainer who wants a Cinccino for his Munchlax.
Go to driftvell town and trade minccino for basculin. The basculin you get will be holding it.
You can trade a Minccino in Driftveil City for a red-striped Basculin. (blue-striped Basculin in Pokemon White) It is in the house with the elderly man and a youngster. The youngster is offering the Basculin.
Trade with someone with Pokemon Black.
trade with someone from pokemon black
trade with someone who has black
No, you need to get someone to trade it to you from Pokemon Black.
There is no code you trade with someone who has Pokemon white
trade it to someone
Reshiram is exclusive to Pokemon Black. You will need someone to trade it to you.
It is only found in Pokemon White, so you will have to get someone to trade it.
You will need someone to trade it from Pokemon White, as it is a version exclusive.