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you can find riley in iron island in the cave. when you go to the end of the cave go down the elevator and talk to riley by the elevator and he'll give you an egg to take care of.

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Q: Where do you find riley in Pokemon diamond?
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Where do you find riley on Pokemon Diamond?

You find him on iron island in the cave

How do you find Riley in Pokemon Diamond?

he is in the island when u get to canalave city

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riley gives you an egg and it hatches into riolu it evolves into lucario with friendship you find riley on iron ball island.

Does riley in Pokemon diamond return?

no, only in Pokemon platinum he does

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You don't find it, the mans name is Riley, he has a lucario and other rare pokemon. Riley gives you an egg that is rilu.

Where do you find Riley in iron island in Pokemon diamond?

Go to the end of the cave and go down the elevator.

Can you see Riley again in platinum Pokemon?

Riley is a character in Pokemon. He is found in Diamond, Platinum and Pearl versions.

Were can you find riolu eggs in Pokemon diamond other than getting it from riley?

By Mating a MALE and FEMALE lucario. so i guess at the Pokemon daycare.

Where do you find riley the 2 time in Pokemon diamond?

Go back to iron moutain, or join him up to battle in battle tower

Where do you find Pokemon 115 in Pokemon Diamond?

If you mean Riolu, here's a tip: you can get an egg from Riley when you hit the Iron Island first time. When the egg hatches, you will get Riolu.

Where do you get a Lucio on Pokemon diamond?

you get an egg from Riley which hatches then evoles to a Lucio when happy! Riley is in Iron Island in Canavel city :)

Were do you find a pidey in Pokemon Diamond?

You can find Pidey in a Pokemon Outbreak in Pokemon Diamond