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By mining. It is usually found deep underground, from the bottom to around 16-20 blocks above.and it looks like a stone with little red bits in it

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Q: Where do you find redstone in minecraft?
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Do diamonds spawn close to redstone in Minecraft?

Yes, I tend to find diamonds near redstone

How can you find out how much redstone you used in a world for Minecraft?

you dont, if people are constantly making redstone, you cant figure it out

How do you get redstone on Minecraft?

You mine it from redstone ore.

What do you use when im getting redstone in minecraft?

You need an iron pickaxe to get redstone in Minecraft.

How do you find diamonds in minecraft pocket edition?

When ever I find diamond it's usually around redstone so when you find redstone just dig around it

How do you make redstone dust in minecraft?

You have to mine redstone ore.

Can redstone activate wooden doors in Minecraft?

Yes, redstone can activate any type of door in minecraft :)

Are there redstone blocks on Minecraft PS3?

As of 06/29/14, there are no Redstone Blocks in the PS3 version of Minecraft.

Why can't i make a redstone block on minecraft?

Redstone Blocks now exist in Minecraft 1.5. You can make them by combining nine redstone dust on the crafting table.

How do you make redstone repeaters repeat?

A redstone repeater just delays the redstone signal. In order to get a repeating signal, you need a (rapid) pulser. Search on the minecraft wiki to find how to make one.

What do you mine redstone with in Minecraft?

You can mine redstone with an Iron, Gold or Diamond pickaxe.

What layer is redstone found on in Minecraft?

Redstone Ore veins are found below layer 16. veins are most common on layer 8. There are 25 ores per chunk on average.Sources: Redstone Ore - Minecraft WikiOre - Minecraft Wiki