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You find it on the right side of Petalburg City. A.K.A. Route 102. The percentage of finding it is really rare. Your rival, WALLY has one.

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Q: Where do you find ralts in Pokemon sapphire?
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When does Ralts evolve in Pokemon Sapphire?

Ralts evolves into Kirlia at level 20.

Where to get the Pokemon ralts in Pokemon Sapphire?

you can get one in petalburg city

Where can you catch a ralts?

Route 102 on Pokemon Sapphire.

Where in rustboro city do you find a person to trade ralts for seedot?

In Pokemon Sapphire version, the person who wants to trade Ralts for Seedot is in Kobe's house. In other versions, go to Elyssa's house.

Where can you find a Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire that kinows the move hypnosis?

The most basic one I can produce off the top of my head is Ralts, Kirlia and Gardivoir. Any of these Pokemon, when leveled high enough, ( I think around 30-40 for Ralts) can learn Hypnosis.

Where do you find a shiny Ralts on Pokemon Gold?

Ralts does not exist in Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal. It was added with Ruby and Sapphire. If you're referring to HeartGold version, Ralts can be found on Route 34, but encountering a shiny Pokemon is a 1/8,192 chance, so it could take weeks to months. If you use the Masuda method and breed your Ralts with a Pokemon from a different country the chance of the Ralts that hatches will be increased to a 1/1638 chance of being shiny!

Where do you find a Ralts in Pokemon HeartGold?

Ralts is a swarming Pokemon at Route 34. You can also trade or transfer a Ralts from another game.

What is the best Psychic Pokemon to choose in Sapphire?

the best Pokemon to choose early inn the game are Abra and ralts.

How do you evolve a male ralts into gallade on Pokemon sapphire?

evolve ralts into kirlia[male]and use a dawn stone hope this helps

Ralts a Pokemon legend?

Ralts is not a legendary Pokemon. It's a common Pokemon that you can find in the grass, though it tends to appear rarely.

Where do you find ralts in Pokemon mystery blue?

You find Ralts in Wish Cave, floors 11 - 13

How do catch a ralts in sapphire?

You can catch Ralts south of petalburg city. Ralts is a great Pokemon trust me and if you have diamond/pearl get an extra male ralts and evolve it into kirlia. Give the male kirlia to your diamond/pearl and use a dawn stone on it and it will evolve into Gallade