the best Pokemon to choose early inn the game are Abra and ralts.
If your talking about psychic pokemon, most get confusion and psychic (best in game) by leveling up to like second evolution. Psychic tms are pretty rare, but I always find a psychic somewhere during the game. Most psychic moves are best if your pokemon is good for them, in which you'll get them by training. Hope this helped!
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
There are 3 types that work best against psychic Pokemon: Bug,Rock,Ghost, and Dark.
there is no best with lots of love and care your electric Pokemon can be the best there is :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
a luxry ball
If your talking about psychic pokemon, most get confusion and psychic (best in game) by leveling up to like second evolution. Psychic tms are pretty rare, but I always find a psychic somewhere during the game. Most psychic moves are best if your pokemon is good for them, in which you'll get them by training. Hope this helped!
Ralts can be found near Petalburg City. It's pretty hard to get. You can get it easier if your pokemon like you. It may not seem good at first but it evolves into Kirlia then Gardevoir, probably the best non-legendary psychic pokemon.
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
That is Alakazam
There are 3 types that work best against psychic Pokemon: Bug,Rock,Ghost, and Dark.
Lorelei has Ice and Water type pokemon, the best way to defeat her pokemon is to use Electric type pokemon or pokemon that have Electric type moves. Bruno has Fighting type pokemon and two Rock/Ground types, the best way to defeat his pokemon is to use Psychic pokemon or pokemon that have Psychic type moves. Agatha has Ghost and Poison type pokemon, the best way to defeat her pokemon is to also use Psychic type pokemon or pokemon with Psychic type attacks.
The best water Pokemon in sapphire would probably be Kyogre. -Hope I helped...:D
master ball
the best Pokemon region is hoenn { ruby,Sapphire,emerald }