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In caves. They are formed when water pours over a source block of lava. If it isn't a source block, then it will be turned into cobblestone. Plus there is sometimes lava under obsidian.

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Q: Where do you find obsidian on minecraft?
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Where do you find obsidian in minecraft?

Obsidian is usually found in caves underground where flowing water hits still lava.

How do you find obsidian in Minecraft Pocket Edition?

make the nether reacter

Does anything explode obsidian in Minecraft?

Nothing can explode obsidian up to minecraft 1.2.5

How can you get obsidian in minecraft pocket edition?

you could find a pool of lave place water then it turnes the lava to obsidian to get it you have to mine it up with a pickaxe

Where do you find obsideon in minecraft?

Obsidian is created whenever water flows on top of still lava.

Can you mine obsidian with a hoe in minecraft?

No. Only a Diamond Pickaxe can mine obsidian.

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You need a Diamond pickaxe to mine Obsidian.

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In the latest Minecraft, you can.

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There's no such thing as an obsidian sword unless you have mods installed.

What tool do you use to break obsidian in minecraft?

You need a Diamond Pick to harvest obsidian blocks.

What role did obsidian play in the economy of Teotihuacan?

Obsidian was a highly valued commodity in Teotihuacan for its use in making tools and weapons. It was also used for religious and ceremonial purposes, contributing to the economy through trade and tribute payments. The exploitation and distribution of obsidian helped support the city's economy and its influence across Mesoamerica.