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You can find Misty in Pokémon Crystal in Kanto Region. You will find her north of Cerulean City where she is with the man she is dating.

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Q: Where do you find misty in Pokemon Crystal?
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It will be in misty's gym close to the entrance.

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after you get the macine part and return it you go up to bill's house

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(Sorry i though for a second you said "Why do you have to find Misty") (This question needs to be improved)

How do you vs misty on Pokemon Crystal?

Go north of the gym on the long path, then go east through the maze of people. Then you'll see Misty and her "lover". He'll leave, then you'll talk to Misty. You can now challenge Misty.

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In Pokemon Crystal.

Where do you find Misty in Pokemon Silver?

She is in Cerealen City.

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You can't find her anywhere in the game.

In Pokemon crystal where do you find misty after you beat all the trainers at cerulian cape?

she's with her boyfriend near bill's house by the water of course. Keep in mind the is in Cerulian city

Where do you go after beating misty in Pokemon crystal?

No one knows the answer because well it is like 20 years old and you can't find it so pretty much I have no idea😓

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What the hell is a Pokemon crystal

Where is the machine part in Pokemon Crystal?

In misty's gym look in the box looking pool swim and keep pressing A.