There are two ways to get Larvesta:
Either way, you end up with a Larvesta Egg. Larvesta's don't appear in the wild, unless there is some ActionReplay code for it. Though, I personally don't recommend using an ActionReplay because it messes with your game.
Larvesta evolves at level 59 in both Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.
You can't, It is only obtainable in Pokemon Black or White. But if you want one in Black or White, a Pokemon ranger will give you an egg of a Larvesta in Route 18 so remember to make room for it!
you will get larvesta, a bug/fire type pokemon.
Larvesta evolves into Volcarona.
The Pokemon hatched is LARVESTA, the bug/fire Pokemon.
Larvesta evolves starting at level 59 in Pokemon Black.
its near where you find the 7th sage
Larvesta evolves at level 59 in both Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.
You get it in an egg on route 17 or 18
It evolves at Lv59.
hes a pokemon ranger without a name hes someone
Larvesta evolves into Volcanra once it reaches level 59
You can't, It is only obtainable in Pokemon Black or White. But if you want one in Black or White, a Pokemon ranger will give you an egg of a Larvesta in Route 18 so remember to make room for it!
You can get a Larvesta Egg in a house in Route 18, if you have surf. Larvesta evolves to Volcarona, which is a really strong pokemon, but it needs a lot of training.
level 59
Larvesta is a Bug and Fire type pokemon.
Larvesta evolves at level 59.