you get horsea on route 226
I dont believe you can get a horsea in Pokemon Arcoiris but you can get its evolutions evolution,Kingdra on the first route
You can get a Horsea in Pokemon Silver by finding it at the Whirl Islands.
Horsea evolves at level 32
Catch a Horsea or Bagon. Sometimes you get lucky and they are carrying one. You need to catch either a Bagon or Horsea that is holding one. If you can find one on the ground, I've never seen it.
You can find Horsea at Vermillion City or Routes 10-13
you get horsea on route 226
I dont believe you can get a horsea in Pokemon Arcoiris but you can get its evolutions evolution,Kingdra on the first route
it depends on the system
Use a good rod where you can find horsea use your pokedex if you seen one already.
in whirl islands you have to have surf
Nobody knows lol.
You can find Horsea around Whirl Islands, and I suppose you can evolve it from there.
Simple find a good rod from a fishing guru and go to the shore of island 6 and use it until you get horsea. -PokemonAnswerMaster-
You can catch it on route 133 and 134 with a rod.
You can't get horsea in xd.