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Catch a Horsea or Bagon. Sometimes you get lucky and they are carrying one. You need to catch either a Bagon or Horsea that is holding one. If you can find one on the ground, I've never seen it.

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Q: How do you get a dragon scale in Pokemon ruby?
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Where do you get a dragon scale in Pokemon ruby?

To get a dragon scale is to catch a horsea or a bagon.

How can you get a Kingdra in pokemon ruby sapphire?

You have to trade seadra while holding a dragon scale

How do you get dragon scale on Pokemon Ruby?

Use Thief, Covet, or Trick on or catch a wild Bagon or Horsea holding one. They have a 5% chance of holding a Dragon Scale.

Where do you find the dragon scale on POKEMON platium?

you have to catch a dragon Pokemon holding a dragon scale

At which level does Seadra evolve in Pokemon ruby?

Seadra will only evolve during a trade while it holds dragon scale.

Who to get Kingudora in Pokemon ruby?

get a seadra and find a dragon scale and give it to seadra and trade it to someone and they will give it back to you but it will be a kingdra

What level does seadre evolve in Pokemon ruby?

Seadra only evolves during a trade while it holds the item dragon scale.

How do you get a dragon scale in Pokemon sapphire?

catch a dragon Pokemon such as horsea and Bagon until you get one holding a dragon scale.

What dragon Pokemon are in ruby?

The only in-game dragon Pokemon you can get are salamence, altaria, and rayquaza

Where to get a dragon scale in Pokemon SoulSilver?

The dragon scale is located in Mt. Mortar

What Pokemon can you evolve with a dragon scale?

You can evolve Seadra by trading it with the Dragon Scale

Does Seadra Evolve?

yes evolve to kINGDRA by a dragon scale was it? A: yup you need to trade the seadra while making it hold a dragon scale. A: Yup. In order to get a dragon scale go catch either a Baggon either a Horsea. You have a 5% chance, those Pokemon have a dragon scale attached on it's bagon. thank you and you can't catch a seadra in emerald, sapphire or ruby