Use Thief, Covet, or Trick on or catch a wild Bagon or Horsea holding one. They have a 5% chance of holding a Dragon Scale.
To get a dragon scale is to catch a horsea or a bagon.
you have to catch a dragon Pokemon holding a dragon scale
catch a dragon Pokemon such as horsea and Bagon until you get one holding a dragon scale.
You can evolve Seadra by trading it with the Dragon Scale
yes evolve to kINGDRA by a dragon scale was it? A: yup you need to trade the seadra while making it hold a dragon scale. A: Yup. In order to get a dragon scale go catch either a Baggon either a Horsea. You have a 5% chance, those Pokemon have a dragon scale attached on it's bagon. thank you and you can't catch a seadra in emerald, sapphire or ruby
To get a dragon scale is to catch a horsea or a bagon.
You have to trade seadra while holding a dragon scale
you have to catch a dragon Pokemon holding a dragon scale
Seadra will only evolve during a trade while it holds dragon scale.
get a seadra and find a dragon scale and give it to seadra and trade it to someone and they will give it back to you but it will be a kingdra
Seadra only evolves during a trade while it holds the item dragon scale.
catch a dragon Pokemon such as horsea and Bagon until you get one holding a dragon scale.
The only in-game dragon Pokemon you can get are salamence, altaria, and rayquaza
The dragon scale is located in Mt. Mortar
You can evolve Seadra by trading it with the Dragon Scale
yes evolve to kINGDRA by a dragon scale was it? A: yup you need to trade the seadra while making it hold a dragon scale. A: Yup. In order to get a dragon scale go catch either a Baggon either a Horsea. You have a 5% chance, those Pokemon have a dragon scale attached on it's bagon. thank you and you can't catch a seadra in emerald, sapphire or ruby
The dragon scale evoles seadra to kingra.When you trade seadra holding a dragon scale it will evolve to a kindra!