The only way to obtain a Heatran in Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver is to trade it.
You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.
You need Ho-oh and Lugia
No. Heatran is unobtainable (and therefore does not exist) in PoKéMoN HeartGold & SoulSilver, so you'll need to trade it from PoKéMoN Diamond, Pearl or Platinum (you can find him in the deepest part of Stark Mountain).
Heatran is unobtainable (and therefore does not exist) in PoKéMoN HeartGold & SoulSilver, so you'll need to trade it from PoKéMoN Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
You find Heatran in the third room at the end of Stark Mountain, which is available after you beat the Elite Four.
No, it is not wild
You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.
Sadly, this Pokemon is unavaliable through out normal gameplay
You need Ho-oh and Lugia
Heatran is unobtainable (and therefore does not exist) in PoKéMoN HeartGold & SoulSilver, so you'll need to trade it from PoKéMoN Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
No. Heatran is unobtainable (and therefore does not exist) in PoKéMoN HeartGold & SoulSilver, so you'll need to trade it from PoKéMoN Diamond, Pearl or Platinum (you can find him in the deepest part of Stark Mountain).
you find heatran in starkmountain
trade with someone with diamond pearl platinum or use hacks
you can't. if you want one, trade it with diamond/pearl/platinum
you need lugia & Ho-oh :-P
Heatran is unobtainable (and therefore does not exist) in PoKéMoN HeartGold & SoulSilver, so you'll need to trade it from PoKéMoN Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
Pokétransfer from pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heartgold or Soulsilver or dreamworld