u cant catch a gyarados in platinum u have to level up a magikarp or else migrate one from the older games or send one over from diamon or pearl but if u don't want to do that u can try and look for one on the WI-FI conecction
The Lake Of Rage is home to the Red Garadose << (spelling) and is a main point in the story. It is worth capturing as that is the only Red Garadose in the game.
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
To find a shiny stone in platinum you have to dig in the underground tunnel.
It's impossible to find Mewtwo in Platinum.
The TM43 can be found at the Amity Square in Pokemon Platinum.
The Lake Of Rage is home to the Red Garadose << (spelling) and is a main point in the story. It is worth capturing as that is the only Red Garadose in the game.
weaken it then use an ultra ball
Surf around Lake of Rage
You'll find a shiny Gyarados in any area that you can fish for Gyarados. You have to be very lucky, though, because the chances of encountering a shiny Pokemon is 1/8192.
Ash is not in platinum..
You cannot find Lugia in Pokémon Platinum.
You can't find Vibrava on Pokémon Platinum
no you can't find a torchic egg in Pokemon platinum
You can find exeggcute in the Great Marsh in Pastoria City
You cannot find Lugia in Pokémon Platinum.
To find a shiny stone in platinum you have to dig in the underground tunnel.
In HG/SS You CAN get a shiny garadose befor you get the national dex