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Where to get Grain and how to turn it into flour on Runescape:

Players can pick grain from a field (where it grows as wheat), and they can often find this near a windmill. One of the best spots for members is the field North of Ardougne, which is very close to a bank and a mill. For non-members, the best spot to collect grain is the large wheat field North of Draynor Village, which is close to Draynor Bank.

After collecting grain, players must then take it, along with an equal amount of empty pots, to a Windmill. On the second floor, there is a hopper and some mill controls. The grain must be used on the hopper, then the mill controls operated. This will fill the flour bin on the ground floor with flour. The flour bin has no limit to how much flour it can hold. Clicking on the bin will empty some flour into one of the pots in the player's inventory.

Another good method for collecting flour available to both members and non-members alike is using the Windmill and wheat field North of Lumbridge and making use of Beefy Bill's banking services. Beefy Bill will send raw beef, cowhide, and flour to the bank for a 10% commission. To use his services effectively:

  1. Bring a number of coins to the Lumbridge grain field
  2. Pick grain
  3. Go inside the mill and grind all the grain
  4. Buy 27 pots from Beefy Bill
  5. Return to the mill and collect flour from the bin
  6. Go back to Beefy Bill and bank the flour
  7. Either return to the field and pick more grain or buy more pots and return to the mill

this is the best to to find flour or make it

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