Route 20, Route 21, Route 26, Route 27, Route 41, Route 47, New Bark Town, Pallet Town, Vermillion City, Cinnabar Island.
you can find chinchou in variuos places inside Mt.Coronet
Chinchou evolves into Lanturn at level 27.
You don't.
you find chinchou under the sea when you diveChinchou cannot be obtained in LeafGreen you will need to trade it from Emerald.
you can find it on route 220 using the super rod
you can find chinchou in variuos places inside Mt.Coronet
Evolve a chinchou. To get chinchou, i used a super rod in vermillion city, and then just levelled it up and it should evolve straight away
Chinchou evolves into Lanturn at level 27.
You don't.
Well SoulSilver and HeartGold are somewhat the same and in HeartGold you can get Magikarp, Goldeen, Seaking, Chinchou (One's ive seen) and in Lake Rage you can get a shining Gyarados.
you find chinchou under the sea when you diveChinchou cannot be obtained in LeafGreen you will need to trade it from Emerald.
By fishing on Route 220.
Chinchou is a Water and Electric type pokemon.
It is held by wild Chinchou, Lanturn, and Relicanth. Also on Route 20, it is hidden to the right of Blaine's gym.
you can find it on route 220 using the super rod
Get a Chinchou, and evolve it. I'm not sure how you evolve Chinchou, but you can find them on route 27 if you go fishing with a super rod.
Do you mean Chimchar? If thats it no if thats not it the pokemon chinchou dosen't exist