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You can find Chansey in the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City. Though, it is incredibly hard to find. It is a about a one percent chance to find it.

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Q: Where do you find chansey in pokemon firered?
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Wild Chansey can sometimes hold that item to find Chansey go to the safari zone.

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How do you catch Chansey on Pokemon Firered?

you need to find a Pokemon with sweet scent then go to safari zone go to last grass before you can get the surf then use it find a chansey if you find chansey when using sweet scent try catch easily

How many places that you can found chansey in Pokemon FireRed?

Chansey is found in the safari zone only.

How do you get chansey in Pokemon emerald?

Since you can't catch chansey you need to trade one from firered, leafgreen or Pokemon xd gale of darkness.

Where is chansey in Pokemon emerald?

the only way i know of is to trade it from firered

Can chansey evolve into blisey in Pokemon FireRed?

Yes, but only after you get the national pokedex.

Chansey in Pokemon FireRed?

Chansey can only be found in the safari zone, but it is very rare, and even when you find it, hard to catch. I do honestly wish you good luck, because you are really gonna need it.

Were can you find a wild chansey in Pokemon FireRed?

Wild Chansey are found in the Safari Zone. It's a rare encounter and is difficult to catch, along with the fact that it can flee at any time during the encounter.

How do you get your chansey to have a happinie in Pokemon FireRed?

you cant get happnie in Pokemon fire red only in the newer games

What is the second password to the rocket warehouse on Pokemon FireRed?

The password is: "Yes, nah, CHANSEY."

How do you get a blissey on Pokemon emerald?

First you need a chansey which firered and leafgreen can get then to evolve chansey it needs max friendship with its trainer it will then evolve to blissey.