In Pokemon SoulSilver, Buizel can be found by Surfing on Route 47 and Route 48. Buizel has a 10% chance of appearing while surfing in the water on these routes. It is important to note that Buizel is a rare encounter, so patience and persistence may be required to find one. Additionally, using a Pokemon with the ability Illuminate in your party can increase the chances of encountering wild Pokemon, including Buizel.
Oh, dude, finding Buizel in Pokemon SoulSilver is like trying to find your keys in a messy room - it's a bit of a hassle. You can catch Buizel by surfing on Route 47 or by using the Good Rod on Route 40, but honestly, who has time for that? Just keep wandering around and hope for the best - it's all part of the Pokemon adventure, right?
It's impossible to find Buizel in Soulsilver.
on thurs. there is something called sinnoh sound if u put on the pokegear radio (top left) it will talk about sinnoh sound play the sinnoh sound where the certain Pokemon are.
buizel is at: routes 6,9,10,13,21,22,24,25,26,27,28,30,31,32,35,42,43,44,45,47, ruins of alph, and mt silver
You may find Buizel Near the Vally Wind Works in the grass. It will be around Level 6-7
Buizel is a water type
Buizel evolves into Floatzel.
i think buizel is only in sinnoh
You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.
safari zone
Buizel is a Water type pokemon.
You may find Buizel Near the Vally Wind Works in the grass. It will be around Level 6-7
Buizel is a water type
Buizel evolves into Floatzel.
In soulsilver on Thursday when dj ben plays the sinnoh mix,go to mt silver and go to the grass near tjhe will get a buizel or a bidoof.
no u cant get one unless u trade but try out the Pokemon diamond and pearl web site it is the home of Pokemon walkthroughs pokedex numbers ect hope i helped.
you cant find celebi in soulsilver
Yes, there are Sinnoh Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Kricketot, Buneary, Shinx, Luxio, Budew, Buizel, Floatzel, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Chatot, Carnivine, Pachirisu, Riolu, Skorupi, Hippopotas, Gible and Croagunk are all available in the wild in both HeartGold and SoulSilver.
i think buizel is only in sinnoh
my stickedex was missing buizel sticker
in the great marsh but its weak better catch a buizel