Buizel is a water type
Buizel evolves into Floatzel.
buizel evolve into floatzel on level 26 : )
Buizel is #418 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
You can't. Buizel wasn't introduced until the 4th generation (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) games.
Buizel is a Water type pokemon.
Buizel is a water type
Buizel evolves into Floatzel.
my stickedex was missing buizel sticker
Buizel evolve at level 26.
Buizel is a Pokemon only found in the Sinnoh region, Pokemon Soul silver is in Johto. The only way to get a Buizel is to catch one in Diamond or Pearl and trade it.
Buizel evolves into a Floatzel at level 26.
buizel evolve into floatzel on level 26 : )
Buizel is #418 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
You can't get Buizel as a partner Pokemon.
he never evolved