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Miltank only accepts regular berries. You can obtain regular berries on Routes 11, 29, 30, 38, and 46. You can win one from the Bug-Catching Contest (Consolation Prize). Receive one from Mystery Gift. By Trading Pokémon from Generation I games. Or from wild Pichu, wild Pikachu, wild Sentret, wild Furret, and wild Shuckle.

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Q: Where do you find berrys to give miltank in Pokemon gold?
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How do you get a seals case in soul silver?

go to moo moo farm and give the miltank 7 oran berrys and they will give you one

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you can find miltank and tauros south of Solaceon Town use repels and poke radar if your desperate XD or look at my Pokemon give away on you tube my name is HikarixChanX i give away al sorts of Pokemon ^^

How do you heal the miltank in heartgold?

Give it tons of oran berries, just like your screen says.

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by pressing 'a' on it and if you have an Oran Berry, it will give it her.

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Where do you buy seals in pokemon heartgold?

A girl in Olivine City will give some to you if you have the Seal Case, which you can get by healing the Miltank on Route 39. Heal the Miltank by giving it Oran Berries.

Do you have to help the miltank that is sick to get to the lighthouse and help the ampharos in Pokemon soulsilver?

No you do not need to help the miltank it is recommended though. You need to give it 7 oran berries then you will get a Seal Case and some seals. Which can customize the way your Pokemon enters the battle.

How do you obtain the sealcase in Pokemon SoulSilver?

On route 39 there is a farm where they sell Moomoo Milk. The Miltank is sick at first. It takes 7, I believe, Oran Berries to cure the Miltank. Once you cure the Miltank, the girl on the left should give you the case and the girl on the right should give you some seals.

On Pokemon heart gold what happens after you heal the miltank by giving it oran berries at the farm?

after you give the miltank all the seven oran berries (its random the number of oran berries mine was 14 there diffrent oran berries you have to give it some times)they will give you the seal case.

Pokemon how you find a seal case?

in Pokemon heartgold go north from olivine city you should see a farm go in it and feed miltank oran berries than talk to the girl on the right side she will give you a seal case.

Does it take a long time to make P.okemon happy in Pokemon platinum?

yes but not if you give in freidship berrys or a sooth bell

How can you make seals on Pokemon ss?

Go to the Moo Moo farm (route 39) and heal the sick Miltank by giving it 10 oran berries. When the Miltank is healed talk to the twins. The one on the left will give you a seal case and the one on the right will give you some seals.