Eevee can be found on Route 116 after you obtain the National Dex. (DexNav exclusive)
You can't find Eevee in Pokemon Ruby, but you can trade for it from Fire Red, Leaf Green, and XD.
You don't. You have to trade an eevee to Pokemon Ruby to use one in the game.
in kq
Lucario isn't in Sapphire,Sapphire is a Hoenn pokemon,Lucario is a sinnoh pokemon.
Eevee cannot be found in pokemon black or white, and must be traded to be obtained.
You can find Eevee on route 116. You have to use the DexNav before you can encounter it. It's rarity is uncommon and it will have level 8.
No, it isn't possible to find Eevee in Sapphire. You'll have to trade one from FireRed/LeafGreen.
you get it on mt pyre.
No, you will need to trade for them or transfer them via Pokemon Bank to get them in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
You will need to trade for Weedle or breed Kakuna. Kakuna can be found only in the Safari Zone in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby.
You can get two ferry tickets:The ticket for the SS Tidal is obtained by completing the Delta Episode.You can get the Eon ticket by Streetpassing someone with Pokemon Alpha Sapphire or Omega Ruby.
you have to trade form Pokemon leaf green or fire red gameshark or Pokemon collecum bonus disk. in other words, you can't find it
there is no eevee :(
In Pokemon Omega Ruby, Latios can be found in Southern Island after obtaining the HM Surf and going to Route 123. To find Latias, you will need to get the Eon Ticket to fly to Southern Island to get her. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire has the same methods, but with the opposite Pokemon.
in a cave somewhere in the dessert is where i rember getting mine
you cant you have to trade from leafgreen or firered