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you trade from emerald

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Q: Where do you find a Ditto in Pokemon Saphirr e?
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How do you get GSC Pokemon to Pokemon FireRed?

If you mean trading Pokemon from the 2nd gen (G/C/S) to the 3rd (R/S/E/FR/LG) then I'm sorry to inform you that its impossible. Hopefully you can find a different plan.

Where do you get a magby in Pokemon SoulSilver?

the 3 dog legands r,e,s move around and u will find a magmar and just mate the magmar

Where are wild Banette easiest to find?

in Pokemon R/S/E banette is in sky pillar. in Pokemon D/P/PT i,st somewhere around the survival area....wait! go EAST of survival area and there this route. go there at night and you might find a banette!

How do you get elekid in Pokemon pearl?

If You Remember Breeding Magmartor From Pokemon Battle Revolution Getting Elikid Will Be A Peace Of Cake Without Pokemon R/S/E(Ruby, Sipire And Emralld) Its The Same As Geting Magby But Insteed Of Breeding Magmartor With Ditto You Breed Electivire With Ditto. Wait Until An Egg Will Apearer Between Ditto And Electivire You Simply Get It From The Daycare Man(If You Have An Empty Space) And That's Just It, Also Riding Your Bike Will Make It Hatch Faster. If The Egg Watch Says'' Will It Hatch From This? It Dosen't Seem Close To Hatching'' Ride You Bike More, If The Egg Watch Says''It Is Moving Coutesly It May Be Close To Hatching'' Keep On Riding Your Bike But If The Egg Watch Says ''Sounds Can Be Heard From It! It Will Hatch Soon'' Counteue Riding Your Bike Until Your Player Says ''Oh?'' Then There You Have It! Your Elekid, But Please Keep In Mind That Elikid Evolves In To Electibuzz Only By Trading. Oh And Also Please Keep In Mind That Geting Elikid Without Pokemon RSE Works On Dimaond Also.

Where to get a moonstone Pokemon platinum?


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Were to find rare Pokemon in Pokemon ruby?

n e where

Can tyrouge have a egg with diddo?

yes. ditto can make an egg with any Pokemon that has an egg type. egg types are how you can tell if you can breed 2 Pokemon and they will have an egg. if you want a list just e-mail me. legendary Pokemon can't breed, such as giratina. Rotom can breed, because they are half legendary. my e-mail address is if you need to know what some egg types are.

Are you able to find the three legendary bird Pokemon in Pokemon r s e?

Not that I've seen, so no.

Where could you find shiny Pokemon on Pokemon cratar?

keep looking i have on called c h a n c e

How do you find other wild Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen altering cave than zubat?

Theres a special accesory called E-Reader this thing can attach to your GBA and the thing is there are special cards that if you put them into your E-Reader they can do special things in the games that are on the card, so for Pokemon leafgreen there are Pokemon cards for E-Reader and if you use them you can find different Pokemon in altering cave Example: Smeargle, magmar, umbreon.

How do you get into Cerculean Cave?

You can enter cerulean (It's spelled C-e-r-u-l-e-a-n) cave by winning the Pokemon league. You can find a mystery Pokemon there! (HINT:The mystery Pokemon starts with an M!!)

For the mystery event in Pokemon Sapphire where do you find an e-reader?

Ask someone else not me!

How do you make copies of Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

migrate a dito from you other game (Pokemon leaf green, fire red, emerald,Sapphire, or rubie)then you go to the day-care center and give a dito and another Pokemon to the day-care man to raise then wait a little longer then go to the day-care center again and you might get an egg ( this is your Pokemon that you put in. or u can go to canavalave city in the grass try to catch a ditto (u must have the pokeradar and the national dex) ditto is there 22% day 22% night put it in daycare wiv the Pokemon u wish to clone then do 2000 steps a egg will be in daycare with them take it and do 10,000 stemp or less (it depends on wot type of Pokemon u clone) then it will hatch into the Pokemon you put in with ditto or what it used to be be4 it evolved.i tried it wiv a torterra and i got a turtwig lvl 1 this is also a way to clone eevees do the same (it don't matter about genders coz ditto is half boy half girl) happy cloning :-D :-) :-P :-E read them sideways

How do you get a dexoey in Pokemon FireRed?

Deoxys? You can find Deoxys by completing the puzz;e in Island #9 Jean

Where is the easiest place to get a ditto?

how do u get a shiny dittoFind a place where wild ditto can appear and get very lucky, either with or without pokeradar (diamond, pearl, platinum). Cheat for one, or ask for one in the GTC, maybe someone will give you one.There is a possible "trick":To get a shiny ditto easily:Trade the Red Gyarados back to Red/Blue/Yellow and let it learn TM 31, Mimic. Trade it back(gsc) and delete all of its moves except Mimic(blackthorne city). Fight a wild Ditto(in Pokemon rby). Let it use transform to turn into your Gyarados. Use Mimic to mimic Transform. Let Gyarados use Transform. Let Ditto use Transform again. Then, catch it. It will be shiny. Now that you have a shiny Ditto, you can breed any Pokemon with it. Your odds of getting a shiny egg is 1:64 where regular odds would be 1:8000from I have not tested this one.the only problem with this "trick" is its on red/blue/yellow versions. It is impossible to trade a Pokemon from a gameboy color game to a gba or DS game.. I have a glitched mew on Pokemon blue that i would love to bring to my diamond, but it is impossible.

Does Hannah Montana like Pokemon?

I don't know. Possibly, maybe you should e-mail her website and find out.

Which patch of grass do you find aron in Pokemon pearl?

You can't find Aron in Pearl, you must trade from D/Pt/R/S/E.