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in diamond you get him at spear pillar after battling the seventh gym and went to veilstone city and defeated them there Pt after you finished the elite four go to spear pillar you cant get dialga on pearl

in Pokemon lake you can get him in map 16 with mewtwo and areus
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Q: Where do you find a Dialga in Pokemon lake?
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Where to find Dialga in Pokemon lake?

you can find dialga in map 16 you can also find arceus in map 16 too

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you do not find dialga in Pokemon pearl

What Pokemon live in mystic lake on Pokemon red rescue team?

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Where do you find Dialga at in Pokemon pearl?

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yes with action replay

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you catch palkia/dialga

Where do you find the 3 lengedry Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

mesperit is found in lake verity uxie is found at lake acucity and azelf is found at lake valor. dialga and palkia are found at spear pillar and giritina is found at sping path.

How do you find Dialga on Pokemon?

you pee on him

Who do you catch in Pokemon Platinum?

You catch Garatina, Dialga,Palkiia,and all the lake Pokemon but mainly Garatina

Where do you find Dialga in Pokemon crater?

in your house