He's on the seventh floor but you have to go there a certain way, once you get the card key go to floor 3 and go down until you see a rocket look for a door on the left open it and step on the portal inside you will appear on the seventh floor where Gary is.
no you will not meet Gary at the Silph Co. you will be battling Giovanni there.
getting to Garyyou get the card key - 6th floor then u unlock any doors you see until you get to a hallway then theres Gary or your araval.
go into silph co. and keep going on the teleporters until you see Gary
you must win silph co .....................dj777
Gary's team in the silph co building are as followed: Lvl 37 Pidgeot Lvl 35 exeggcute Lvl 40 starter Lvl 38 growlithe Lvl 35 Alakazam
Silph Co on the 7th floor.
no you will not meet Gary at the Silph Co. you will be battling Giovanni there.
getting to Garyyou get the card key - 6th floor then u unlock any doors you see until you get to a hallway then theres Gary or your araval.
After you obtain the Card Key, go to 3F of Silph co. Open the locked door to your left. Step on the warp panel. There's Gary [or your rival].
defeat the Elite Four at the indigo league
in celadon city
go into silph co. and keep going on the teleporters until you see Gary
you must win silph co .....................dj777
Gary's team in the silph co building are as followed: Lvl 37 Pidgeot Lvl 35 exeggcute Lvl 40 starter Lvl 38 growlithe Lvl 35 Alakazam
you need to get into silph co, and You have to beat Gary at the floor below where the presidents at then you have to beat Giovoni (again) because he's trying to steal the master ball from the president. Then team rocket retreats and the president gives you the master ball.
you battle gary