no you will not meet Gary at the Silph Co. you will be battling Giovanni there.
you must win silph co .....................dj777
go into silph co. and keep going on the teleporters until you see Gary
Gary's team in the silph co building are as followed: Lvl 37 Pidgeot Lvl 35 exeggcute Lvl 40 starter Lvl 38 growlithe Lvl 35 Alakazam
there is no silph co in that game
I have blue, so I might be wrong... Beat Gary in silph Co. and talk to the person in the room.
in celadon city
Silph Co on the 7th floor.
you must win silph co .....................dj777
go into silph co. and keep going on the teleporters until you see Gary
Gary's team in the silph co building are as followed: Lvl 37 Pidgeot Lvl 35 exeggcute Lvl 40 starter Lvl 38 growlithe Lvl 35 Alakazam
Silph co is in saffron city.
there is no silph co in that game
its in silph co, when u fight finish gary(your rival) you talk to the man and he will give you lapras
I have blue, so I might be wrong... Beat Gary in silph Co. and talk to the person in the room.
you get it in silph co
Sabrina is not in silph co she's in the gym.
The silph scope is not in silph co its in the game corner.