you can't; the only way to get a gabite is to catch a gible in the safari zone, but that takes 100 days to arrive there. you can trade on the GTS or from other people as well to get one.
Garchomp is obtained by evolving Gabite. Gabite evolves into Garchomp at level 48. To get a Gabite, you must first have a Gible. Gible evolves into Gabite at level 30.
You can find it in Pokemon Platinum, Pokemon Crystal, Pokemon HeartGold, and Pokemon SoulSilver.
Find and then catch
Cynthia is not the champion in the johto region in Pokemon heartgold,you can't find her in it, but she is the champion in Pokemon pearl,diamond, and platinum versin and that is the sinnoh region.
You can only find Skarmory in the Pokemon SoulSilver version.
Garchomp is obtained by evolving Gabite. Gabite evolves into Garchomp at level 48. To get a Gabite, you must first have a Gible. Gible evolves into Gabite at level 30.
Gible evolves into Gabite at level 24.
Gible evolves into Gabite at level 24.
You need to trade or use poketransfer if you have one in pokemon diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold, or soulsilver.
victory road
In victory road
You have to evole a gabite your at level 48 you cant just find a garchomp but, you can find a gible and a gabite.
You can't. You need to evolve Gabite.
Gible evolves into Gabite
Use poke balls some pokeballs you should use are ultra balls and duskballs
You'll need to transfer it from the older Pokemon DS games or trade for it.
evolve gible go under cyling road to find him