Garchomp is obtained by evolving Gabite. Gabite evolves into Garchomp at level 48. To get a Gabite, you must first have a Gible. Gible evolves into Gabite at level 30.
On the real fire red that is impossible, as garchomp only exists in pearl, diamond, platinum, heartgold, and soulsilver. Firered only goes up to #386 Deoxys
Most of the ground ones can be taught dig, e.g dugtrio,sandslash,(garchomp) ect
Garchomp is a dual-type Dragon/Ground pokémon.
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
Well.. It's impossible to catch garchomp
Celebi: You don't. Gible: Breed any of the Garchomp line.
On the real fire red that is impossible, as garchomp only exists in pearl, diamond, platinum, heartgold, and soulsilver. Firered only goes up to #386 Deoxys
Most of the ground ones can be taught dig, e.g dugtrio,sandslash,(garchomp) ect
Garchomp is probably a better Pokemon. Although ho-oh is a legendary, Garchomp has better stats. It is quicker with higher attack.
Garchomp is a dual-type Dragon/Ground pokémon.
Garchomp and Gastrodon
Garchomp ANSWER: itz gible, then gabite, then garchomp
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
dragon and ice moves are super effective against garchomp
You can't find garchomp or its previous evolutions in the game. You can see a garchomp if you battle cynthia.