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once you meet bill in goldenrod city he gives you a eevee.
You can't catch Eevee. You receive Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod City. If you want to have more than one Eevee so you can get all the evolutions, put an Eevee and a Ditto in the daycare. They will have an egg and it will be an Eevee. Also you can get one from the prize corner in celadon city for 6,666 points
To find eevee in heartgold or soulsilver, you can go to bill's house in goldenrod city, which is on the left side of the Pokemon center where the hosues are, and when you talk to him. He will give you a eevee but remember to have a space in your party or you won't be able to get it until you do.

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Q: Where do you find Eevee in Pokemon soulsilver?
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Yes u can

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They are Growlithe to Arcainine Eevee to Flareon thats it

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Breed in the daycare with ditto

Where do you evolve your Eevee into Glaceon in Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold?

u can't u have to level up eevee near snowpoint city in diamond/pearl/platinum and trade into soulsilver and heartgold

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there is no eevee :(

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Yes you can breed ditto with any Pokemon and the baby is the Pokemon you have breeded ditto with.exapale;[ratta +ditto =ratta ][eevee + ditto =eevee]

How do you get eevee to evolve into leafeon in Pokemon soul silver?

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Where do you find Bill in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Once you enter Ecruteak City, you will find him in the Pokemon Center. He will come talk to you and ask you to visit him in Goldenrod City, then go to Goldenrod City and he will give you an Eevee.

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It depends on where you have found it and in soulsilver or heartgold........

How do you get Glaceon in pokemon soulsilver?

By evolving eevee on diamond or pearl then trading it onto soul silver.