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You can find a ditto by route 218 just outside of Canalave City (the grass) but it is really hard to find so you need a Pokeradar. The yellow patches of grass are usually Ditto. Professor Rowan gives this to you after you beat the Elite 4.

There is a 22% chance of a sparkly grass being a ditto

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Q: Where do you find Ditto in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where can you find ditto in Pokemon Diamond?

u have to migrate it from Pokemon emerald, and ditto is in the cave at fallabor town after u have beaten the elite four

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you can either trade or if you have an electibuzz breed it with a ditto

What is a Ditto in Pokemon Diamond and where can you get one?

it is a pokemon that can transform into any pokemon and you can find it in a route close by canlave city

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How do you find Ditto in Pokemon Diamond?

PokeRadar on Route 218 - 12% encounter rate.

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If you mean Phione, then you have to trade for it, or get a Manaphy and breed it with a Ditto.

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How do you get a Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire?

I'm afraid you cant get a Ditto in Pokemon Sapphire. You can only get ditto in Emerald. However you can also get ditto in Diamond and Pearl.

How do you use pokeradar and find Ditto in Pokemon diamond?

fly to canclave then next to it there a route go there use the pokedar and ditto should appear

Can ditto breed with prehistoric Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

Yes It Can

You are wondering how to get a Ditto in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you can catch dittos in Pokemon diamond and pearl with poke radar in route 218 but its pretty hard to catch them + find them. :)

Can kabutops and Ditto lay an egg on Pokemon diamond?

yes as ditto is compatible with all Pokemon and the Pokemon it mated with will be the baby.