Taillow isn't in Leaf Green, just emerald Sapphire and ruby
I know Taillow evolves to Swellow but after that Swellow won't be able to evolve.Answer Swellow is one of the few Pokemon who only has one evoltion. (from Taillow to Swellow)
normally if you put a boy and girl Pokemon in the day care the egg will hatch into what ever the girl Pokemon was.(for example: a girl taillow and a boy ralts, the egg would be a taillow) but if you put any Pokemon (as long as it has a gender) with a ditto it will breed and the egg will hatch into the other Pokemon(example:ditto and a boy ralts will hatch a ralts, ditto and girl taillow will lay a taillow egg) the only exeptions of corse are Pokemon that cant breed like latios, latas, mew, groudon, lugia, ect ect.
Taillow is a 3rd Generation Pokemon or a Hoenn region exclusive Pokemon meaning that Firered version which takes place in the Kanto region cannot capture it. All 3rd Generation Pokemon must be traded to Firered from either Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald.
They are common on Routes 104, 115 and 116 or in Petalburg Woods
Taillow evolves at level 22.
You can't catch a Taillow in Pokemon Platinum, but you could catch the later evolution (Swellow) using Poke Radar on Route 213, and then breed it to get a Taillow.
The Pokemon taillow is a Flying Type
Taillow is #276 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal-Flying type Pokemon.
Taillow isn't in Leaf Green, just emerald Sapphire and ruby
i think at level 32
you need to transfer a taillow from either ruby, Sapphire or emerald on a Nintendo ds lite.
it was taillow
level 22
there is no egg.you can only breed it