Try it's dedicated to map making, editing and they even put their maps up for download, a map editor should be on the top downloads list, if not, search it. halo map tools (HMT) up a map on it on bipeds and fin cyborg swap meta and choose for example elite it close it and play halo. the moddes map and you will be playing as an elite
Oh well that easy! Direction: 1: First go to Google 2: Then type how to download halo PC or 2 3: Next, fnd the best place for you! 4: Download! 5: Done! 6: I download Halo PC at Free game download!
u can get the demo @
if you want games free then download uTorrent and find a torrent of halo 1 mac otherwise pay for the game
Downloading the full version of Halo is illegal, but there are Halo Combat Evolved Free demos for both Mac and PC. It is Silent Cartographer and Blood Gulch you can download it for free if you go to these link: and search for it...:D
only way for that to work is to get halo custom edition which you can download free and its a map editor thing and you can download missions from campain and use cheats with that but only problem is if you didnt get halo 1 for PC then you cant get it it requires a CD key code
you can download halo 1 demo but usually hard to find cannot rerally download halo 2 or 3
You can get halo custom edition with halo 1, there would probably be a map where you are a hunter. halo map tools (HMT) up a map on it on bipeds and fin cyborg swap meta and choose for example elite it close it and play halo. the moddes map and you will be playing as an elite
If you would like to mod Halo 1 PC Yourself, than download the Halo Map Tools 3,5 (HMT 3.5) It won't work if you don't download something called a .NET framework, just search it in Google. Once you have done that than watch youtube videos and learn.
you can not download halo 2 demo for mac for some reason but you cant but there is a halo demo 1 for mac you can get it by seaching it in google type in halo demo for mac
the 1 when you kill tartus
its easy download it at copy this where halo trial halo 1 halo 2 halo 3 mod mods ok?
Oh well that easy! Direction: 1: First go to Google 2: Then type how to download halo PC or 2 3: Next, fnd the best place for you! 4: Download! 5: Done! 6: I download Halo PC at Free game download!
u can get the demo @
not many people play it but halo 2 and 3 are cheap on the PC xbox or 360 - - - or even better, download halo CE of CNET ( or the official site. Heaps of people play it. Only downside is that you have to have the right maps downloaded to join a game. If they're playing on (ill use my fav. map for an example) the map 'Hugeass', you have to have that map downloaded to join the map and play it. If that gets boring or you cant be bothered downloading the maps, you can download SP maps such as flood vs marines which just constantly spawn bots to fight. Up to you. ~el-granto
NO but it has new maps the new defiant map pack has maps and 1 firfight map also