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You deliver Devon's Goods to Captain Stern who is in Slateport City's museum.

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Q: Where do you deliver Devon's goods in Pokemon Sapphire?
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Devons goods Pokemon Emerald?

You go to slateport and you deliver the Devon goods to captain stern.

Where is Devons goods on Pokemon sapphire?

The Devon Goods can be easily obtained after defeating the Aqua Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel.

What do you do after you deliver the Devon goods in Pokemon sapphire version?

head back to the Devon building to report mission sucsess

Where to deliver the Devon goods in Pokemon emerald?

Damn i wish i knew

Where do you deliver the Devon goods in Pokemon ruby?

Give it to the guy who asked you to get the goods back in rustboro city.

Where is mr stone in Pokemon ruby?

you can meet him after you get the devons goods back to the guy then he will bring you to meet mr. stone,the president of Devon stone will ask you a favour and give you a pokenav too

How do you get a exp'shard on Pokemon emerald?

After you deliver eveything for the Devon Goods president he will give you the exp. share as a thank you.

Where is the guy you are supposed to deliver the Devon goods to on Pokemon Ruby?

he is in slateport by the museum or by the ship dock toward mauville on the right

Where do you get the map on Pokemon version ruby?

To get the PokeNav, you have to deliver the Devon Goods to Devon, the scientist from Devon Corporation. Obtain these by beating the Team Magma Grunt in Rusturf Tunnel. Once you've done that, the president will give you the PokeNav.Note: This is for Ruby. I'm not sure if this applies to Emerald, Sapphire, or anything else.

What is a sentence for the word deliver?

they will deliver it next week.Stand and deliver, your goods or your life.

What are the ratings and certificates for Deliver the Goods - 1915?

Deliver the Goods - 1915 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U

What to do after you get your second badge in Pokemon sapphire?

After getting your second badge in Sapphire, a good idea would be to teach a Pokemon HM Flash (obtained from a Hiker in the cave north of the town) and search for Steven Stone in the same cave. Next go to Slateport City via Mr. Briney and deliver the Devon Goods (I think that's what it's called) Tips: Catching an Aron could prove useful considering it's a steel type. An Escape Rope would be useful in the cave but I think there's one in there.