it is a swarming pokemon so talk to the little girl in sandgem town to find out and if you dont get it just save and turn off your ds go 2 setting the clock and put it on 23:59 and go back to talk too her.
yes, in the Safari zone, but it's a burden to catch it
You can find it from Great Marsh.
Tangela is in the grassy area after you surf below your house. I forgot the route name. Actully, the name of the route is route 2.
To catch Tangela, go to the route that goes between the place where you buy Moomoo Milks and Veilstone City. This route rains like crazy. Wander through the grass, and eventually you'll find Tangela. ASH
you need to trade one in Pokemon diamond or go to the great marsh and to
When you catch a Tangela, teach it AncientPower. Then level it up one more time. Then it will evolve.
yes, in the Safari zone, but it's a burden to catch it
You can find them in the great marsh area 3
You can find it from Great Marsh.
I caught a girl Tangela in the safari zone but it took a little while
Catch it in the Great Marsh (aka: Safari Zone for Sinnoh)
1. get a blastoise ( around lv. 40 or 45 ) 2. go to the place where Tangela is. 3. have Blastoise use a weak water type move. 4. capture Tangela. Woot! now you have Tangela!
Tangela is in the grassy area after you surf below your house. I forgot the route name. Actully, the name of the route is route 2.
To catch Tangela, go to the route that goes between the place where you buy Moomoo Milks and Veilstone City. This route rains like crazy. Wander through the grass, and eventually you'll find Tangela. ASH
114 is Unown. This is how u catch it: Go to Solaceon town. Go to the right and jump over the last three ledges. The cave u come to is the unown cave. CATCH ONE! No other trainers have Unown and they only appear in that cave.
you need to trade one in Pokemon diamond or go to the great marsh and to
no,but you can evolve a tangela which you get at the great marsh,and there is this girl and if you catch 5 or more Pokemon she gives you a poketch app!this is how you evolve tangela by the way,you teach it Ancientpower at level 33 and wala you have a Tangrowth.