you can choose between cyndaquil, chikorita and totodlie at the start of the game. you can't ctach them anywhere else.
in order to get a Typhlosion on d/p, you would have to have a copy of any second generation game(gold/silver/crystal) and have traded your cyndaquil/any evolution of said cyndiquil you want to a copy of any third generation Pokemon(aka ruby/emerald/Sapphire) you can then go to palpark and transfer the cyndaquil/any evolution of said cyndiquil plus 6 other Pokemon to your d/p game to catch. why you can't just transfer from the second generation, I don't know, blame the programmers
You can catch Slowpoke in Pokemon Gold in the Slowpoke Well that is by Azalea Town and you can also find them in Tohjo Falls.
In the water
In Pokémon Gold, you can catch Gligar in Route 45.
You can't find it in the wild you have to catch 200 Pokemon (trade with others)then go talk Poffesser Birch and then you can get Cyndiquil.
you get Pokemon heart gold, choose cyndiquil, catch at least 1 Pokemon, then catch a ditto put ditto and cyndiquil in daycare, the day care man will call you saying your Pokemon is holding an egg, pick it up, hatch it and then send it over. or go in Nintendo wi-fi and trade with some Japanese guy.
todidile if you chose cyndiquil,cyndiquil if you chose todidile and cyndiquil if you chose chikarita.
Trade it from Gold, Crystal or Silver is the only way I know of.
the only way to get cyndequil is to catch ALL 200 hoen Pokemon and get a call from the professor and he will give either a totodile, chikerita or a cyndiquil (1 only)
You cannot catch totodile, chikorita, or cyndiquil without migrating.
todidile,cyndiquil,chickorita just the old Pokemon for the old silver and gold games
evolve it from a cyndiquil
Cyndiquil, Chikorita, and Totidile.
If you beat the game the proffeser gives you one of the johto starting Pokemon (chickorita,cyndiquil,totodile). If you evolve cyndiquil to its final evoulution you will get typhlosion.