It cannot be caught in Pokemon white but can be transferred from a generation IV game.
You aren't able to catch a wild Eevee in pokemon white or black, you have to trade it from a different pokemon game with Eevee as a catchable pokemon. Hope that helped :)
I'm not sure if you can catch Eevee in Pokemon pearl but you get it as a gift from Bebe in Hearthrome City after you get the national dex.
Eevee cannot be found in pokemon black or white, and must be traded to be obtained.
in map 6
You can't catch Espion you must evolve it from an Eevee by using a moon stone on it to get an eevee go to Heathome city in the house next to it to get an eevee.
You cannot catch a wild eevee in black or white
Since Eevee is a wild pokemon in Black and White 2 you can catch as many Eevee as you'd like. Eevee's can be found in the Castelia Park at the end of the Castelia Sewers.
I'm not sure if you can catch Eevee in Pokemon pearl but you get it as a gift from Bebe in Hearthrome City after you get the national dex.
Eevee cannot be found in pokemon black or white, and must be traded to be obtained.
no, you get it from someone and can breed them
in hearthome next to da Pokemon center their is a house go in and she will give u an eevee
From what i know you can only catch eevee in the Pokemon mansion on the route you take when you are going from Hearthome. Take the back door to the garden.
by doing some stuff
you can by evolving eevee but not by capturing
in map 6
You can't catch an Eevee in the wild. You have to transfer it or trade for it.