

Best Answer

If you want to catch an Aipom, you need to find some honey or buy it from the man at Floaroma town, then put it on the golden trees. These are chances of the Pokémon you will get from honey on trees, taken from Bulbapedia:

Aipom 10%

Burmy 10%

Cherubi 10%

Combee 20%

Heracross 4%

Munchlax 1%

Silcoon/Cascoon 15% (depending on your version)

Wurmple 30%

Another question add to diss: Is this the ONLY way to catch an aipom cuz when u look at dee area on da dex it has abunch a places. (AND IVE SLATHERED A TON OF TREES WIT HONEY BUT I NEVER C THM RUSTLING ER ANYTING SO HOW DO U CATCH A POKEMON LICKING THE HONEY ER SUMTHING...?) P.S. srry its so long :P

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Q: Where do you catch Aipom in Pokemon Diamond?
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How do you catch an Aipom on Pokemon Diamond?

You need to have a life first.

Where do you battle apom on Pokemon diamond?

slather a tree and hope for an aipom. If you find one, catch it!

Where do you get an aipom in Pokemon diamond?

we get an aipom from anywhere check your pokedex

Where do you catch Ambipom in Pokemon Diamond?

You have to make an aipom evolve. You can get aipom in sweet smelling trees by putting honey on them. They are rare though and it could take a while.

Where do you catch Aipom in Pokemon platinum?

its realy hard to get an aipom, but you can catch it from honey trees or get it from linking

Where do you find aipom and ambipom on Pokemon diamond?

put honey on a tree for aipom but for ambipom evolve aipom

How do you catch aipom in Pokemon diamond?

I have pearl but i belive you can smother/smuther honey on a tree and well theres a chance he can appear.

Where do you catch aipom on diamond?

Honey Trees ONLY

How do you get aipom in Pokemon LeafGreen version?

You cannot catch aipom in leafgreen however you can in emerald or Pokemon colosseum.

Where to find aipom in LeafGreen?

you can't catch aipom in leafgreen but you can get one from Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon emerald.

Who is Pokemon 64 in Pokemon diamond?

Ambipom, which is the evolved form of aipom

Where do you find an aipom in Pokemon Diamond?

its on route 212 where it starts raining with two Pokemon rangers one had an prinplup and aipom