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there is no trainer with a ditto but you can get one with the pokeradar next to canalave.NOTE:it will take a very long time and are not easy to catch.

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Q: Where do you battle a trainer with a Ditto on Pokemon platinum?
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What trainer has Ditto in Pokemon platinum?

No trainer has a ditto.. if you want Ditto for your National Pokedex, use the Poke Radar on Route 218

Does a trainer have phione in Pokemon platinum?

No,but if you get Pokemon Ranger and get a Manaphy Egg and you have a Ditto you can get a Phione.

Pokemon platinum were to battle a trainer with ditto?

you go to route 223 and you will see a trainer that has yellow hair she has a dildo its Avery special Pokemon you can make babies with it just mix with any other

Is their a trainer in Pokemon Platinum with a Ditto?

Im not sure But i think theres one on 223

What trainer in platinum has a Ditto?

I don't know sorry

In Pokemon platinum where can you find a trainer with a Ditto?

If you want to see one try route 218 outside canalave with the pokeradar.

Which trainer has a phione on platinum?

none do but the way to get one is trading a manaphy egg from Pokemon ranger and trade it to your game then breed it with a ditto =p.

Is there Ditto on route 218 in platinum?

no,ditto is not in route 218 in Pokemon platinum it is in the trophy garden

Where do you battle a Ditto on platinum?

once you have the national dex go to the Pokemon mansion then talk to mr.backlot each day until he says ditto kissed him on the cheeck

How do you duplicate items in Pokemon Platinum?

from what i know, you can't. srry. :) but you might get lucky and find someone. from: flyguy007 Hi this is flyman1111 i think you can duplicate items in Pokemon platinum all you have to do is get a ditto and a Pokemon with thief make sure the Pokemon with thief is holding the item you want to duplicate then you get into a double battle use thief on ditto and ditto will have the item that the Pokemon with thief has =] hope it has helped and worked

What is the Pokemon platinum code for a Ditto?


Where can you get a Ditto before you get the national dex in Pokemon Platinum?

The Trophy Garden is the only place to get Ditto in Pokemon Platinum, without trading or cheating of course.