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No,but if you get Pokemon Ranger and get a Manaphy Egg and you have a Ditto you can get a Phione.

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Q: Does a trainer have phione in Pokemon platinum?
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What trainer has phione on Pokemon Platinum?

There are no trainers in Pokemon platinum with phione. if you want phione use action replay.

Is there a trainer with phione in Pokemon platinum?


How do you get a phione to evolve in Pokemon Platinum?

You cannot get Phione to evolve, it cannot evolve into any Pokémon.

How do you get phione on Pokemon platinum?

you have to hack

Which trainer has a phione on platinum?

none do but the way to get one is trading a manaphy egg from Pokemon ranger and trade it to your game then breed it with a ditto =p.

Where can you see a phione in Pokemon platinum?


How do you get Phione Added to the Sinnoh Dex in Platinum?

Phione does not exist in Pokemon platinums sinnoh pokedex i checked the official game guide for Pokemon platinum

Can you get phione in Pokemon platinum?

No, unless you have a Manaphy and a Ditto. You can breed those to get a Phione egg.

How do you get phione in Pokemon Platinum?

go to the Pokemon mansion and then trade for manaphy

Where do you find information on phione in Pokemon platinum?

info on manaphy in Pokemon mansion. trade for manaphy, and breed with ditto. you get a phione

Where is there a trainer in Pokemon Platinum with the Pokemon bagon?

Sorry but there isn't a trainer with a bagon in platinum.

What trainer has kingdra in Pokemon Platinum?

no one no trainer has a kingdra in Pokemon platinum exept for me :P