

Best Answer

A Super Rod is available only in the Fight Area in Pokémon Platinum.

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Q: Where do get a super rod on Pokemon platimun?
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Where do you get a super rod on Pokemon indigo?

The Super Rod is not obtainable in Pokemon Indigo/UnovaRPG.

What is better a super rod or a great rod in Pokemon ruby?

Super rod.

Super rod Pokemon Emerald?

The super rod is received in mossdeep city.

What is the best rod in Pokemon ruby?

super rod

What is the best rod in Pokemon Pearl?

a super rod is the best rod in Pokemon pearl/dimond/platnim

Can you make a Pokemon hold a super rod and trade it?

No, key items, of which the Super Rod is one, cannot be held by Pokemon.

What rods are in Pokemon sapphire?

Old rod, Good rod and Super rod

Where do you get the old rod in Pokemon White?

The only rod you get in pokemon white is the super rod. You get it in your house and looker will give it to you

How can I get a water pokemon in Pokemon Crystal?

I suggest you get a rod (Old rod, good rod, super rod) or find HM03 (Surf).

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Where is the super rod in emarld?

The super rod in pokemon ruby, sapphire and emerald is in mossdeep city.

Were do you get super rod?

get to mossdeep city and go above the Pokemon center and there is a house where you get the super rod