North of Mistralton City, on the northern end of route 7, you will run nto Cheren. After battling him, Champion Alder will appear. He will give you HM03 Surf.
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
Teach it the move Surf using HM3.
go through the safari zone to the place where you get the prize it is hm03 surf
You can't find gible in pokemon white. You must trade it.
it isnt in pokemon white sry
inside of Fuego Ironworks(but you have to have HM3)
if its the hm surf, which i think it is, its in the saffari zone in the secret house, an old lady will give it to you
Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.
hm1 hm7 hm2 hm3 and hm5
You cannot find Vullaby in Pokemon White Version. It is exclusive to Pokemon Black as Rufflet is to Pokemon White.
go to the ice path , there are the poke ball that contain itens. the first ball you find is the hm 3, it is soon you enter in the ice path
you use surf, hm3, which can be found in the safari zone
Teach it the move Surf using HM3.
You cannot find a scyther in Pokemon white
First find the secret house then nearby there is an item its the golden teeth after taking it go inside the secret house and get HM3 surf.
At the white forest. You can only find him in pokemon white.(I think);)
Its no pokemon that names Electrowire on Pokemon White..