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VMK, also known as Virtual Magic Kingdom, was created in celebration of Disney's 50th anniversary. The company that created it, also known as Sulake, decided to start charging Disney, and Disney didn't like it. They closed down the site, regardless of its thousands of addicted users, on May 21, 2008.

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Related questions

Is vmk back?

Nope. VMK is not back.

What is better Club Penguin or VMK?

VMK is, because you had lots of lands to go to, and most of the words showed, but on cp, some words didnt show. And also the writing goes up and away in VMK! Instead of being on for 1 second!

Vmk coming back?

I wish, but no. VMK was for a celebration.

Other places like club penguin?

Vmk, toontown, i suggest vmk

Is VMK closed forever?


Is VMK for kids?

Vmk WAS for kids, it was safe, and fun. Disney did a wonderful job with the graphics and made it enjoyable to play. I preferred Vmk to the rest of Disney's websites Club penguin is also fun but not near as developed as vmk was.

What are the answers to vmk hula quest?

VMK has been closed now, so I'm pretty sure there is no need for Hula's Answers. Sorry that VMK closed!

What web suite to get money in vmk?

Just look up vmk codes on google. go on one of the following websites: ( this one has websites free to be used ) thats all i can think of right now. but to find more, go on and search ' vmk credit codes ' and u'll find more. good luck!

Why is vmk not working right now?

sometimes there is a problem in vmk and hosts have to close the game for a while vmk closed so it's not gonna work anymore now

Is Disney going to put vmk back on?

yes, it is said to be coming back may 26, 2010. Look out guy hope to see you back in VMK! a vmk staff member

Will vmk ever come back?

Possibly, if Disney is ever nice. Honestly, I've always loved Disney, but for closing VMK, I like, hate it. :( It was the best game ever. I would SO pay for VMK to play if it reopened, and I bet so would every other person who played. VFK is making tons of money, but its not as fun as VMK. People would pay more for VMK and more people would play VMK than VFK. Probably, the answer is no.

Can you still play on VMK?

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